Every Day Skin Care Tips For All Types Of Skin.

Every day skin care face wash

Body care in all senses is very important. We wear clothes to shelter our body. In this way, our skin also needs care on daily basis. Except other body parts, our face is exposed to dirt whether we are indoors or outdoors. The unseen dirt directly affects our skin which snatches the natural glow from our skin. So, it is recommended by the renowned beauticians to follow the everyday skin care beauty tips which are effective for all types of skin. This would save the skin from pollution effects and you could be able to maintain glow on your face.

1.       Find out your skin type

As everyone has different type of skin. Some have oily and others have dry type of skin. They use products according to their skin type. Hence, you should determine your skin type first before using any product because skin care is a case sensitive.

2.       Cleansing

You must wash your hands and face with warm water to open pores of your facial skin. Choose a cleanser that fits your skin type. Now, gently apply it on your face till 50 seconds and wash your face thoroughly with cold water.

3.       Tone

After washing, dry your face with a clean towel. Dab the cotton with toner and apply gently on the face. Let it dry naturally. It will balance pH of the skin after cleansing. Take care of your eyes and keep the toner away from your eyes while applying.

4.       Moisturizer

When the toner dries naturally, apply a small amount of moisturizer on face in upward and downward circulations. You should do cleansing, toning and moisturizing on daily basis both in the morning and before going to bed at night.

5.       Exfoliation

Exfoliation or scrub is needed to be done twice a week. After the cleansing, apply the scrub. First, clean the sides of nose, chin and forehead thoroughly. The regular exfoliation is not recommended because it leads to more open pores.

6.       Face mask

After cleansing and exfoliating, you should use a face mask to remove dead cells from your skin. You should select the mask keeping in view the type of your skin. You can also use a homemade face mask.

7.       Avoid touching your face

Your skin may feel itchy. You should not surrender to temptation of wiping your face with a dirty or dry towel again and again. By doing this, the bacteria build up. So, avoid touching your face repeatedly.

8.       Avoid squeezing pimples

Irritation on the skin is caused by pimples. Most of the time you feel like pressing those pimples which irritate again and again. By squeezing them, you may suffer from dark spots on your skin which are very difficult to get rid of. Therefore, you should avoid pressing pimples with hands.

9.       Hydration

You should hydrate your body by drinking proper amount of water. For a healthy skin, internal health is important. In addition to this, you should clean your face with fresh water 4 to 5 times a day to avoid dirt accumulation.

10.   Use fine product

You should use a fine product which is fitting to your skin type. Keep using it from one to two months to get results. If you think that the product has not been effective to produce desired results, quit it and switch on to another product suitable for your skin type. Use that one also until the desired results are achieved.

To get the best healthy skin is easier if you follow this pack of beauty tips regularly. Face is a delicate part of your body therefore, it needs your full attention. Avoid touching your face again and again due to irritation made by pimples. In addition, using a lot of makeup on daily basis is also harmful for your skin and may cause inevitable troubles for your skin. You can keep your skin healthy and glowing by regular cleansing, moisturizing and toning. 
